How to send us your Bank Account Details.

How to send us your Bank Account Details.

How to send us your Bank Account Details.

We settle in the following currencies, USD, TZS, KES, ZAR, ZMW and Local currencies per country.

If you would like us to upload your bank details, always send them in the following format.

  1. Bank Name

  2. Branch Name

  3. Bank Address

  4. Account Name

  5. Account Number

  6. SWIFT Code

  7. IBAN

  8. Currency

If  the account name is different from the company name.

We will require below documents so as to upload the bank account details:

  1. A board resolution duly signed by the directors and a lawyer indicating that it has been agreed for the funds to be credited to this account

  2. A copy of the Memorandum and Articles of Association that show the signatory as a director of this company.  

The above is due to KYC ( Know Your Customer) requirements.

Click here to upload the details or alternatively send this to our support email, and we shall upload them on our end and confirm the same.

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